We are excited to celebrate the achievements of our ongoing commitment to compassionate care within our industry. Collectively, donations from partners exceeding $240K in value have been contributed through our platform, showcasing a shared commitment to sustainability and care for medical patients, all under the guiding principles of legislation like SB 34.
Our partnership with ReCompass officially launched in January 2023, providing our partners with a sustainable and socially responsible path for managing excess cannabis inventory. Through the collective efforts of our brand partners and retail collaborators, we've set off a wave of positive impact. Let’s look at our journey so far and how you can become part of this program.
What Is Compassionate Care?
SB 34, also known as the Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary Act, allows cannabis companies to donate excess or soon-to-expire products to medical patients without incurring any tax liability. This not only improves access to medicine for patients, but also helps brands avoid costly disposal fees while making a positive impact in their communities through compassion giveback programs.
ReCompass guides industry-leading brands from cultivation to patient care, creating more efficient supply chains, powerful social impact programs, and cost-saving solutions. Building on the founder's experience in donating over 100,000 units and $1 million worth of product at the country's largest cannabis delivery platform, they serve as a central hub for compassion-focused operations and compliance expertise.
Why Choose Donation Over Destruction?

Value Beyond Dollars: Opting for donation over destruction means more than just offloading inventory; you are positively affecting lives.

Take Action: If sales aren't panning out for inventory that is expiring within 90 days, why not turn them into a force for good? Contact ReCompass to kickstart your donation process—it's a simple move that not only promotes sustainability but also helps elevate your brand's impact.
Cost Transparency: Donating through ReCompass starts at just $0.25 per unit.
Curious how you can become more involved in compassionate care? Please reach out to Nicole Redler, Founder of ReCompass, at nicole@re-compass.com.